Things I Didn't Know

Emily O'Hara, 2017

Things I didn’t know engages concepts of duration, connection and loss through exploring elemental expressivity as an ontology of mourning. In this show, elemental conditions hold material associations as primordial evocations of life living: Each discrete element (or work) attempts an expression of life—death thresholds.

A spatial poetics assembles the show’s compositional intent, corresponding to a grammatology. That is, the space enacts its grammar as a methodological and conceptual poetics (of mourning) within and through elemental spacings that distribute ‘our’ meanings of the work: Spacings dwell poetically in an attempt
to express my (spatio-durational) concepts of elsewhere and elsewhen that forward openings so that we may linger beyond conscious demand. This show attempts an invitation for multiple syntactical arrangements, offering open and in nite encounters or readings. Meaning defers (temporally), differs (spatially) and accrues complexity as we move our reading from one work to the next and on—this is the spatial poetics for Things I didn’t know.

Sat 22nd July // arrive in time for opening at 4.11pm // Sun 23rd July // opening

11am // closing 5.16pm // Mon 24th July // opening 11am // closing 6.24pm

Corban Estate Arts Centre // 426 Great North Rd // Henderson // Auckland City